Monday, September 10, 2012

80 minute feed + Super adorable!

Beyond ridiculous. Seriously, Ramón, playing with your food is distinctly ungentlemanly behaviour. 80 minutes is an obscenely long time for him to be eating - generally he'll have it within 5-10 minutes and have it completely down within 15. 20 at a stretch. It just seemed as though he couldn't find the head, kept eating from the wrong end and didn't learn anything from it.

He's a good snake, really, he's just a little.. special... sometimes.

CONTENT WARNING: There is some blood in this video. But the rat was dead before I gave it to him, so chill, just think of it as a raspberry filled marshmellow or something.

But after all that icky, here's some photos of him being absolutely adorable in his heart tin.

I bought it at Kmart for $4, and he loves being in it more than any of the other hides I've put in his viv. It sits just at the edge of his heat mat so I suppose it gets quite cozy in there. There's also an electronic tealight that I put in there to fill up space in there and also to make it all pretty for when I take photos. I'll have to get a vid of it at some point.

The brown thing under the tin is a loose tile from the patio outside that had been warming in the sun. I brought it in so that he could be cozy (because it's still a little cold inside the house) while we handled him :)

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