Thursday, August 16, 2012


So the yesterday I was to hang out and catch up with my best friend - they offered to pick me up from my house, so I asked them if they wanted to come and officially meet Ramón!

Nathan was a little apprehensive about Ramón and had no intention of holding him. Alois on the other hand was more than keen!

Ramón was very curious about the new smells. Possibly a little frightened. But it was good to see him behaving with new people. I hope that, in time, the continued handling will make for a much more chilled out snake (or at least, one that it much more tolerant of handling) when he gets older.

Although he still has a very annoying habit of flinging himself towards the floor. I don't think he quite has the weight or length to stabilise himself along a rounded surface (such as an arm) yet. Alois was a little worried when Ramón fell, but I assured her that snakes are made of hardier stuff than to die from a foot-high drop. It's not the first time he's fallen to the floor out of his own curiousity.

He seemed very cautious after the fall! After I picked him up he clung to my finger quite firmly and didn't seem to want to let go. Hopefully, he's learned a thing or two from his experience.

It took him a little while to settle back down. After I was sure he was calm again I popped him back into his viv, and he was no worse for the experience.

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