Thursday, August 23, 2012

Can you handle it?

Since Ramón was our first snake, we were quite anxious over the first few days/weeks after we got him home. At first, he was rather aggressive, not letting me near him without rearing or striking. We were also told not to handle him at all in the first 2-3 days, to just let him settle down and get used to the new smells.

Saw a lot of this during the first week.

He did eventually stop striking so much. He even ate, which was a very good sign - meaning that he felt comfortable enough in his surroundings. But still, he was difficult to get out of his enclosure. I would assume that it was more relative to the fact that he was still barely a hatchling at the time and thus more snappy and flighty than an older snake.

Though things got a little easier after we bought a snake hook..

But now, nearly two months later, he's generally pretty happy to come out for a bit of an adventure. He now strikes me as rather bold, although it may be that he just doesn't have the capacity to think "Well, if I keep going this way, I'm going to fall off, and I might hurt myself, so I'd better not." He likes to explore crevices where he gets stuck. He likes to unbalance himself when I've taken my eyes off him for a split second. 

...and then he winds up on the floor.

I was a bit sceptical when I read that snakes tend to climb back towards their owner/the person that "loves" (i.e. handles) them the most. But it is rather true.

*sniff sniff*

Ramón hesitates to climb over other people's hands but is quite comfortable with coming to me (and Johno, to a degree), even if I put my hand right up in his face (which would usually incite a tag). I think it's mostly because of familiar smell more than any actual recognition.

And he always seems to want to come towards my face.

So, our fears that he would forever be a snappy little shit were just baseless anxieties. He's now being introduced to new people - even though he's still a little scared and will sometimes strike, most people understand that he's not trying to kill them (even if they do flinch away :p). 

But really, could you be mad at a cutie like that?

Thursday, August 16, 2012


So the yesterday I was to hang out and catch up with my best friend - they offered to pick me up from my house, so I asked them if they wanted to come and officially meet Ramón!

Nathan was a little apprehensive about Ramón and had no intention of holding him. Alois on the other hand was more than keen!

Ramón was very curious about the new smells. Possibly a little frightened. But it was good to see him behaving with new people. I hope that, in time, the continued handling will make for a much more chilled out snake (or at least, one that it much more tolerant of handling) when he gets older.

Although he still has a very annoying habit of flinging himself towards the floor. I don't think he quite has the weight or length to stabilise himself along a rounded surface (such as an arm) yet. Alois was a little worried when Ramón fell, but I assured her that snakes are made of hardier stuff than to die from a foot-high drop. It's not the first time he's fallen to the floor out of his own curiousity.

He seemed very cautious after the fall! After I picked him up he clung to my finger quite firmly and didn't seem to want to let go. Hopefully, he's learned a thing or two from his experience.

It took him a little while to settle back down. After I was sure he was calm again I popped him back into his viv, and he was no worse for the experience.